Monday, January 10, 2011

Our First Anniversary

There is no feeling more comforting and consoling than knowing you are right next to the one you really love.

Our first anniversary.
Our first year passed by in a blink of an eye.
I wished it had lasted longer.
But we have more years to come together...

This post and song is dedicated to the man I love.
Here it goes, b.

You came into my life..
left footprints in my heart..
and I will never be the same again.

You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning,
knowing that you are mine and I am yours.
and to have you next to me..
the first thing when I opened my eyes.

What I'm trying to say b, is that
no one has ever made me happier..
no one has ever made me laugh the way you did..
no one has ever held me and kissed me the way you did..

We went through rainy days together,
extremely hot days in Perth together,
floods and thunder and storm the day you picked me from work,
through thick and thin,
rough and bad days
minor arguements and misunderstandings,
pain and tears,
hardship and worries...
and what really touches me,
is that you always wipe those tears from my face..
and make it all go away.

I know how it feels like now.
True joy,
pleasant surprises,
and all the things you did that touched me deeply.

all these are doubled,
because I'm with you.

you shared your dreams with me and made it mine,
the way I did with yours.

you thought me about the world..
and how pain and happiness came to be..

you gave me hope..
renewed my faith..
instilled wisdom in me,
gave me a whole new meaning of life..
and happiness that I know I can never find anywhere else in this world.

with you,
my insecurities are gone..
my fears are gone..
my worries are gone..
my scars are gone..

no one tucks me into bed at night the way you do..
no one read me stories at night like you do..
no one cooks for me and takes good care of me the way you do..
no one handwrapped 101 chocolates for me the way you do..
no one kisses my forehead the way you do..

no one sings for me the way you do..
no one stays up all night to accompany me the way you do..
no one ensures of my safety the way you do..
no one reminds me that I'm loved every single night the way you do..
no one teaches me about the Bible the way you do..
and no one has ever held my hand the way you do.

everything is about you and me, baby.
because you took away the cold, fear and loneliness.

you made me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world..
which at this point, I know I am.

God has blessed us abundantly in every way in our relationship,
and I know there will be more to come.

I will never be complete without you
during our first firework experience together,
you said to create this world,
that only belongs to you and me..
and we did baby..
we did.

and now its my turn to say
that I will never let go of your hand
no matter what obstacle we may come across
I will only hold onto it tighter and tighter..

I look forward to our future together baby.

Cheers to the man who gave my life a whole new meaning.
Happy Anniversary.
I love you.

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.


reeyau said...

this is so sweet jo.. i think i teared. u're very blessed to have him. =)

Joanne Carmen Lim said...

yea ruth, I am indeed. i have never found any1 more compatible then him.. at times it feels like he loves me more than me loving myself.. im very grateful.

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